“Spider Mites were all seriously eradicated within 3 days” – MiteShield Testimonial

Spider Mites are a curse when they strike. This latest feedback comes from one of our repeat customers in Michigan, USA. He’s delighted with MiteShield and we are thrilled to receive his feedback. Thank you!

Just wanted to follow up on a recent order of Miteshield.

My experience has been nothing short of amazing when fighting the little six legged enemies.  I have used the product on two different occasions over the past year and each time my mites were seriously eradicated within 3 days.

I recommend using the product as much as a preventative for the months following the original application.  I will plan on using the product with all new plants until I am certain all signs of mites have disappeared.

Best product I have ever used for treatment of mites! Enjoy and keep up the good work.

We certainly will – and thank you for being such a great customer. Free samples of The Beautiful Boost on their way to you, friend.

Spider Mites Killer?

Spider mites

Spider mites

Spider mites are a huge dilemma for an organic or medicinal grower – do you use toxic products which will taint your grow or resort to organic but less effective methods? Thankfully, MiteShield dispenses with this dilemma by being both effective and organic.

We have a bias in our culture towards thinking that “strong” and “effective” are equated with “toxic” and “concentrated”. Not so. MiteShield is just one product that demonstrates you can have effectiveness with a non-toxic, natural product without intense chemical interventions.

Our friend who wrote this feedback says that “my spider mites were seriously eradicated within 3 days” by MiteShield – respectfully, we’d like to correct this. The mites are repelled by the plant after MiteShield is applied. MiteShield doesn’t directly kill mites. Instead, they die because their food source becomes unviaible, as the plants now defend themselves naturally.

“And on day two i have to say i am impressed, the borg seem to be dissapearing”

Thanks to the Northamptonshire Cannabis Social Club for this ringing endorsement of MiteShield

 I have just started using the sample bottle you sent me last year. And on day two i have to say i am impressed, the borg seem to be dissapearing.

So you can get back to enjoying the fruits of your labours without any toxic aftermath whatsoever. Thanks for your feedback.

Spider Mites cleared from Winter Cabbages


(from Artotem on Fickr)

This just in from Ang in Co. Wicklow

After just a short time of use I found MiteShield amazingly effective for the winter cabbage in my garden, they immediately responded and they have been growing will strength and vitality. Im very excited about this product and really look forward to using it in the spring with all my veg. As I only grow using organic methods, MiteShield is a true blessing

Thanks for your feedback Ang. We hope the cabbages were tasty.

Plants threatened by spider mites saved by MiteShield

Today’s feedback comes from A. Groman who had a thorny issue with his plants.

I had an small infestation when I came across MiteShield, I quickly asked for some of their product, it was dispatched and arrived in a couple of days, I used it as directed in all my plant pots, and thankfully, the others didn’t have a problem at all!!, the infected plant continued to hatch the remaining eggs, but the little buggers never spread beyond a few at any time. Fantastic stuff!!

A Groman

Mr. Groman reports that the single troubled plant had been stressed from being over-fertilised and had required a flushing. Plants in a weakened state may have fewer resources to fight mites, even if they’re able to. MiteShield works by activating the plants natural defences – but if the plant is knackered in the first place it’s capacity to defend is diminished. Nevertheless, a good result.

“Plants looking healthy and vibrant and resisting all attack”

MiteShield.. Wonderful stuff.. now on day 6 after feeding to my plants..

Plants looking healthy and vibrant and resisting all attack.. any mites still on my plants i just wipe off..

Thank You guys.. Boomshanka

~ “Mr Googley Moogly” on Facebook

Get rid of Thrips with MiteShield – a grower writes to us



We recently heard from a grateful hydro grower who used MiteShield for his problem with Thrips. He writes:

Was going to email last week, but thought I’d give it another week to make sure.

All I can say is amazing!!!!!!  Miteshield has worked a dream, thrips are still there but not able to feed, or if they are the roots are outgrowing them.

Applied the following way,

  1. Mixed as per instruction
  2. Applied to res. (not sure if this is relevant but I leave the tap water to stand for 24 hours before using it to allow the chlorine a chance to evaporate).
  3.  *shield left in res for 12 hours
  4. Opened res and applied a fish tank UV light to the solution for 3 hours

  Can I get some more Miteshield, say 50ml or so?

Of course you can! Thanks for writing.