Get rid of Thrips with MiteShield – a grower writes to us



We recently heard from a grateful hydro grower who used MiteShield for his problem with Thrips. He writes:

Was going to email last week, but thought I’d give it another week to make sure.

All I can say is amazing!!!!!!  Miteshield has worked a dream, thrips are still there but not able to feed, or if they are the roots are outgrowing them.

Applied the following way,

  1. Mixed as per instruction
  2. Applied to res. (not sure if this is relevant but I leave the tap water to stand for 24 hours before using it to allow the chlorine a chance to evaporate).
  3.  *shield left in res for 12 hours
  4. Opened res and applied a fish tank UV light to the solution for 3 hours

  Can I get some more Miteshield, say 50ml or so?

Of course you can! Thanks for writing.