Plants threatened by spider mites saved by MiteShield

Today’s feedback comes from A. Groman who had a thorny issue with his plants.

I had an small infestation when I came across MiteShield, I quickly asked for some of their product, it was dispatched and arrived in a couple of days, I used it as directed in all my plant pots, and thankfully, the others didn’t have a problem at all!!, the infected plant continued to hatch the remaining eggs, but the little buggers never spread beyond a few at any time. Fantastic stuff!!

A Groman

Mr. Groman reports that the single troubled plant had been stressed from being over-fertilised and had required a flushing. Plants in a weakened state may have fewer resources to fight mites, even if they’re able to. MiteShield works by activating the plants natural defences – but if the plant is knackered in the first place it’s capacity to defend is diminished. Nevertheless, a good result.