MiteShield review by Irish Growshop Owner

Growshop: Red Spider Mite

Red Spider Mite

Yesterday we got this wonderful testimonial from Irish growshop owner about their customers’ experiences in using MiteShield for Spider Mite Infestations over the course of a year.

Here’s what they sent us:

MiteShield has proven to be an effective treatment for mites and, more importantly, an effective prevention for mites and other unwanted insects.

With high humidity in Ireland our grow shop customers would be prone to outbreaks. The customers which have used MiteShield have been satisfied and have not needed to try more extreme toxic solutions.

Unfortunately, the customers who don’t use MiteShield often do end up resorting to toxic chemicals in order to attempt to control their mites, with less than satisfactory success.

Not everyone is willing to believe that something which isn’t harsh could work on problems which are harsh. Some folks don’t want to try MiteShiled for just that reason: They can’t believe it would work.

The mites don’t have that problem, they don’t wonder if this stuff is actually effective: They just disappear from the plants treated with MiteShield. Usually they don’t come back, but if the infestation was advanced and a few mites reappear, a second treatment of MiteShield sorts that out. Job done.


Irish Growshop Owner

Growshops find MiteShield does the heavy lifting of Spider Mite removal

Thank you, Irish Growshop Owner for sharing your customers’ experiences with us.

There is indeed a belief that’s out there which doubts that anything non-toxic or organic can actually do the heavy lifting of ridding a plant of a spidermite infestation. We seem to have suckered ourselves into believing that only something harsh, corrosive and toxic has the power to rid plants of stubborn pests. Not so.

We’re pleased that your customer’s experiences have tallied with our own – that MiteShield does the job.

Get rid of spider mites organically with Miteshield – Siobhan’s story

Get rid of spider mites naturally

Get rid of Spider Mites

Get rid of spider mites on your plants naturally, even when you think you have no time to spare, with MiteShield.

It is crucial, especially when you see one plant infestation and just know it’s likely to spread to get rid of spider mites quickly.

One MiteShield user, Siobhán, wrote back to us about her plants, which were infested with spider mites, with one plant in particular being the ‘typhoid mary’ of the group.

All our plants had mites, so when your sample arrived we applied it as per the instructions. It seemed like they totally disappeared the first day and nothing the 2nd day but the 3rd day i saw 3 alive only, then they died later on id say cuz I can’t find em any more!

The worst plant was not totally beyond saving and hasn’t deteriorated at all, the other ones are growing better immediately. thank you!
Siobhan M.

A quick result, thankfully – thanks for taking the time to contact us Siobhán – we’re delighted with your feedback 🙂

Get rid of spider mites naturally with MiteShield

If you find yourself in the same situation as Siobhán, with no time to lose to get rid of your spider mite infestation, you may reach for the sprays first to stop their spread.

Consider this, however – spraying may be interfering with the integrity of the flowers or herbs, which have their own subtle balance of volatile oils which you may not care to disrupt. Instead, Reach for MiteShield prepare, water, wait for 3 days (usually) and watch them go away.

No need to go reaching for any toxic chemicals or spraying alcohol and volatile oils like Neem onto your plants. The sprays will effect the plant’s crop – especially if it’s being grown to be eaten or used medicinally.